將要: will; shall; be about to; be ...時: shí]将要: will; shall; be about to; be going to 短語和例子 他將要到農村去工作。 he's going to work in the countryside需要时,必要时: re nata必要时: at a pinch; prn; sos需要时: s.o.s临时,需要时,必要时: pro re nate即将,将要: be about to be将要, 打算: be going to将要;打算: be going to将要做: be to do应该, 将要: shouldif necessary 需要时: if nec爱需要时间: love takes time必要时服用: be taken when necessary不需要时钟: therell次要时间: fringe time次要时相: minor phase当你需要时: uninstall manager当需要时: when needed那需要时间: it takes time需要时间: need time需要时漂白: bleaching when needed需要时用: s.o.s遇必要时: as occasion demands