就是: quite right; exactly; precis ...不: a block of wood親嘴: kiss; a smack on the lips亲嘴: kiss; a smack on the lips就是不应该: it's absolutely wrong古就是不流行: out out他就是不撒手: he wouldn't let go his hold我就是不了解: i just dont get it我就是不相信: i just don't buy it就是不容易受骗的: incredulous我就是不能理解: i just do not get it有时候爱就是不够: sometimes love just ain‘t enough这样做就是不对嘛: of course it was acting improperly这样做就是不对嘛!: Of course it was acting improperly.亲嘴歌: kiss kiss罢了你就是不想去罢了: you just don't want to go但却就是不能刺死野兽: but they just can’t kill the beast就是不忍和你说再见: i just can't say goodbye她就是不来我能怎的: she just won't come what can i do about it我就是不能停止爱你: i just can't stoloving you我就是不愿让你远走: i just can't let you walk away我就是不知道说什么: i just don't know what to say我劝了他半天他就是不听: i spent a long time trying to talk him round but he just wouldn't listen. encourage像我而言就是不折不扣的: last-minute person这种态度就是不能接受: this kind of attitude is simply not acceptable