履歷表: a biographic sketch; curricu ...履歷書: a form of personal details履历书: curriculum vitae履历表: curriculum vitac; curriculum vitae; employment sheet; statement of service; v.resume个人履历表: personal history form简历, 履历表: curriculum vitae履历表范例: cvsamplele履历: personal details; antecedents; personal autobiography; curriculum vitae; biographical data◇履歷表 a biographic sketch; curriculum vitae; a form of personal background or details; a form of biographical data; 履歷書 a form of personal details舰炮产品履历书: naval gun book履历表参考格式: reference formatl履历表与健康证: service recordand health record学术人员履历表: academic curriculum vitae教师资格审查履历表: teacher qualification resume履历表参考样本与范例: reference samples谋求海外职位用履历表: international cv履历簿: history log履历单: history sheet履历卡: career card; careercard导弹履历簿: missile log飞机履历簿: aircraft logbook个人履历: lesson resumes; resumes工作履历: track record故障履历卡: trouble history card技术履历簿: technical ancestry book记录履历: track record