序數: ordinal; ordinal number類型: type; mold; form; cut类型标识符: type identifier标量类型标识符: scalar type identifier标准类型标识符: standard type identifier净负荷类型标识符: pti payload dentifier净荷类型标识符: pti缺指针类型标识符: error 33 pointer dentifier expected数组类型标识符: array type identifier序数类型: ordinal type未定义的类型标识符: error 12: dentifier expected要求常量或类型标识符: constant or dentifier expected有效载荷类型标识符: pti: payload dentifier正向引用类型标识符: forward reference type identifier整型标识符: integer type identifier需要序数类型: ordinal type required布尔型标识符: boolean type identifiertypeinfo标准函数要求类型标识符: typeinfo standard function expects a dentifier文献类型标识: general material designation运行类型标识: rtti runtime dentification序数常数标识符: ordering constant identifier序数类: ordinal number class循环控制变量必须为序数类型: for loocontrol variable must have ordinal type for标识符: guid; id identifier; identification code; identifier name; identifiers; indetifier; pid; tokens变数类型: types of variables