心臟: heart和: mix; blend心包: pericardium; cardiac vesicle ...手術: surgical operation; operatio ...心脏和心包修复术: repair of heart and pericardium心包手术: operation on pericardium肾脏和心脏的: nephrocardiac心包手术后综合症: pericardial postoperative syndrome心脏和循环系统的: cardiocirculatory痴呆和心脏受累: spastic paraplegia optic atrophy dementis and cardiac involvement胸部和心脏协会: chest and heart association到心脏和灵魂的豪客: to the heart and the soul of the spender高血压性心脏和肾脏疾病: hypertensive heart and renal disease良性高血压心脏和肾疾病: benign hypertensive heart and renal disease我能感到您心脏和我同情: i can feel your heart and i sympathize心脏sewell手术: sewell operation of heart心脏病手术: n: no. he had asurgery heart attack surgery心脏手术: cardiac operation; cardiac surgery; cardiosurgery; heart surgery; operation on heart心脏手术剪: cardiac operating sci ors; cardiac operating scissors; cardiac sci ors; cardiac scissors做心脏手术: undergo heart surgery心包填塞 心包压塞 心脏填塞: cardiactamponade术中心脏起搏和心电标测: intraoperative cardiac pacing and mapping心脏损伤后心包炎: postcardiac injury pericarditis心脏心包固定术: cardiopericardiopexy常温心脏手术: normothermic heart surgery