An angry billow almost swallowed that ship . 怒濤幾乎吞沒了那條船。
怒濤: furious billows; mountainous ...幾乎: nearly; almost; practically吞沒: embezzle; misappropriate; ta ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...那: a surname條: twig船: boat; ship; vessels几乎把我吞没: almost overtaking me火焰吞没了房子: the fire swallowed up the house那条船深沉海底: the ship sank deinto the sea那条船有一面新篷: that boat has a new sail这河里没有那条船: there is a boat in the river那条船将于明晨靠港: the ship will reach port tomorrow morning那条船靠近海岸航行: the ship kept close to the coast怒涛: furious [raging] billows; mountainous sea; precipitous sea 短語和例子 怒濤澎湃 billows raging with great fury他们找到了那条死狗: a. they found the dead dog知道了那条神秘道路: i learned the secret way吞没: 1.(據為己有) embezzle; misappropriate; take possession 短語和例子 吞沒巨款 misappropriate a huge sum2.(淹沒) absorb; swallow up; engulf 短語和例子 被海浪吞沒 be engulfed in the waves那条船进入火炮的射程之内: the ship came within range of the guns那条船在海上漂流了6个月后找到了: the ship was found after drifting on the ocean for six months几乎忘记了那种感觉: almost forgot what it was like没了: reach the bottom of the barrel第三天他带我去了那条河边: on the third day he took me to the river他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理: his experiment has fully demonstrated the psychological principle我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的天河: we couples who have been separated hate the ruthless the milky way