恰恰: just; exactly; precisely在: exist; be living那個: that時刻: time; hour; moment恰恰在这个时刻: that precise moment她将在那个时刻出现: she'll be there time after time在那个时候: at that time在那个时机: on that occasion在那个时间: at that time当时, 在那个时候: at the time就在那个时候: at that very moment那个时候她就站在那里: all this time she was standing there记忆永远的停留在那个时候: i never stayed anywhere ............某个时刻: something evil's watching over you; sometime在某个时刻: at a time到那个时候: by the time; until this moment那个时代: radio days那个时候: d; thereabout在那时刻: at that moment从这个时刻起: shania twain - from this moment on每次;在某个时刻: at a time在那个年龄: at that age在那个晚上: then, in the dead of night在那个架子上: on that shelf请给我一个时刻: give me a moment please