應該: should; ought to; must可以: can; may翻: turn over; turn around; reve ...成: accomplish; succeed破: be broken; be damaged冰: ice吧: crackling应该可以: god is a gilr破冰者: icebreaker可以翻: your test will go on你应该可怜他: you should take pity on him她应该可以看到我脸上难以掩饰的激动和兴奋: she could see from my face that i was,正好可以翻为“: capital of holy bang旧大衣可以翻新: old overcoats can be reconditioned可以翻起来的座位: tip up seat; tip-up seat破冰: boring; force ice; jcebreaking血管振荡床(可以翻转,以恢复血管功能): vasoscillator bed你应该明白我可以: you should know that i can你应该知道我可以: you should know that i can咚咚应该还可以吧: minolta s304滑冰者: ice skater; skater溜冰者: rinker; skater卖冰者: iceman扫冰者: dare to strike售冰者: iceman