Our forces have been withdrawn from the danger area . 我們的部隊已經撤出危險地帶。
我們: we的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...部隊: army; armed forces troops; u ...已經: already危險地帶: danger zone我们已经撤离危险地带: we have been withdrawn from the danger area危险地带: 03-twilight zone; a danger zone; dive to(axel f); risky part; the zone危险地带[区域]。: danger zone避开危险地带: avoid a dangerous zone尽管敌人炮火猛烈我们的部队岿然不动: despite the enemy's heavy gunfire our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved危险地: hazardously; jeopardously; uncannily发出危险信号: send out a danger signal我们的谈论很危险: we're talkin' danger, baby危险地段: hazardous location危险地区: dead zone危险地势: dangerous terrain危险地域: dangerous terrain有危险地: insecurely该报盘已经撤回: the offer is withdrawn撤出联保部队: leave lift and strike撤出人员部队: extraction forces随着灯光少出危险: with the lights out its less dangerous你说我们的真爱已经死了: you say true love in suicide你已经忽视了我们的时光: you've neglected our time我们的婚期已经不远了: he moves through the fair