我: I; my; me對: answer; reply英語: English產生: produce; engender了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...恐懼: fear; dread; be afraid of; f ...言语产生: speech production产生了: it occurs or happens unexpectedly万一你得了恐惧症: were you to have a panic attack what should you do而产生了: dj: derrick may kevin saunderson juan atkins那是一张充满了恐惧: it's a bed of fear,任何武器都武装不了恐惧: all the weapons of war will not arm fear并因此产生了谚语: it’s good fishing in troubled waters产生了深刻的影响: have had a profound impact on年代产生了“交际法”: communicative language teaching年代产生了“自然法”: the natural approach互联网对英语词汇的影响: influence on english vocabulary of internet他对英语的理解力很强: his understanding of english is very good我对那七封信有一种恐惧: seven letters i filled with my fears中国大学生英语产出性词汇能力调查: chinese college-level english learners' productive vocabulary power: a survey继而又产生了德语的: schizzo年代美国产生了“听说法”: the audiolingual methods英语词汇研究对英语教学的启示: research on english vocabulary and its elicitation to english teaching英语教学的产生: rising of english language teaching词汇习得理论对英语教学的启示: enlightenment on english teaching from the theory of vocabulary acquisition