我: I; my; me想要: want; intend; wish一間: a安靜: quiet; peaceful一點: a little; a few; some; in a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...房間: room; chamber; house of offi ...我想要一间视野好的房间: i'd like a room with a nice view我想要一个房间: i wish for a room我想要一点儿水: i want a drop of water我想要楼上的房间: i'd like a room on the upper level安静一点: be quiet我想要一个妻子: why i want a wife我想要一个重力: i want to have a weight我想要一桶牛奶: i want a pail of milk我想要一张明星脸: i want a famous face一间空气不流通的房间: a stuffy room我想要一份持久的爱: i want a love that will last我想要一个苹果和桔子: i'd like an apple and an orange我想要一个完美的灵魂: i want a perfect soul我想要一个完美的身体: i want a perfect body我想要一只溢满爱的杯子: i want a cup that overflows with love有没有便宜点的房间: do you have a cheaper room我想要有家具的房子: i want to rent a furnished house冷静一点: cool it