我: I; my; me父親: father出國: go abroad; leave one's nativ ...旅行: travel; journey; tour過: cross; pass出国旅行: to travel abroad; traveling abroad出国旅游: outbound travel; travel abroad; wisata ke mancanegara这是我父亲: this is my father dr. philip stewart公款出国旅游: sightseeing tours abroad on public funds我的老头(我父亲): my old man我父亲的房间: my father's room我父亲的小屋: (in my father's den) yc我父亲的眼睛: my father's eyes; my father’s eyes我父亲的音乐: my father's music到中国旅行: to travel to china德国旅行社: deutsche reisebuero; deutsches reiseburo韩国旅行社: korea travel service co., inc在美国旅行: travel in the u.s.a.中国旅行社: china travel service; cts亲从: chikayori我父母想让我出国: my parents want me to go abroad各国旅行攻略: traveling-tips就像我父亲 来了又去: like my father´ s come to pass他是我父亲的朋友: he is a friend of my father's我父亲的小车很贵: my father’s car is very expensive