我: I; my; me猜: guess; conjecture; speculate我們: we也許: perhaps; probably; maybe永遠: always; forever; ever; in pe ...不會: will not; not likely; incapa ...知道: know; realize; be aware of现在我们也许永远不会知道: i guess now, we'll never know; i guess now, we’ll never know也许永远不会: perhaps they never listen will你永远不会知道: you never knew我永远不会知道: i will never know若你不尝试,你永远不会知道: what you never know - unless you try因为我永远不会知道: cause i'll never know也许永远也不会: perhaps they never will她永远不会知晓: she’ll never know但你可能永远不会知道为什么: but you may never know why你永远不会知道生活会带来什么: you never know what life could bring你永远不会知道他们将付出多少: you'll never know how far they'd go你永远不会知道它能长多高: if you cut it down then you'll never know你永远不会知道我有多么的爱你: you'll never know dear how much i love you你永远不会知道我做了多努力的尝试: you'll never know how hard i tried我猜想我们的爱情故事永远不会被关注: on the big wide silver screen他永远也不会知道: he's the last one to know我们永远不会分离: we’ll never be parted也许他们永远不会懂,永远都不会懂: perhaps they never will