我: I; my; me的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...淚水: tear; teardrop填滿: feed to the full; fill to th ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...那個: that傳說: it is said; they say中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...水晶: berg crystal; crystal; mount ...湖: lake泪水填满我的眼眶: tears filling umy eyes传说中的: of relating to or characteristic of legend or a legend洗去我的泪水: and wash away my tears(传说中的)独角兽: unicorn传说中的怪兽: legendary formidable animals传说中的秘境: legendary secret place水晶湖: crystal lake; crystalmir lake你会擦干我的泪水: you dry my tears她会接住我的泪水: will catch my tears眼中填满了愤怒和泪水: rage and tears filled my eyes你填满了我的感受: you fill up my senses她填满了我的心: she fills my heart传说中的“单亲家庭”: single-parent传说中的柔术家: legendary jujitsu master传说中的神斗士: legendary god warriors