我: I; my; me覺得: feel; be aware; sense這: this就是: quite right; exactly; precis ...世界末日: doomsday的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...情景: scene; sight; circumstances我想可以理解成 那就是世界末日: and that‘s the last world世界末日的家园: a home at the end of the world世界末日的来临: when the world ends - oakenfold remix世界末日的霹雳: the crack of doom预示世界末日的: apocalyptic在我的心中这就是世界的末日: it's the end of the world in my mind在我心中 这是世界末日: it's the end of the world in my mind世界末日: doomsday; endofday; judgment day; lastday; the end of days; the end of the world_skeeterdavis; visions of armageddon; world's end世界末日之: holocaust世界末日钟: doomsday clock哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你: in spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, i love you难道它们不知道这是世界末日: don't they know it's the end of the world我觉得这很棒: i feel fine and i feel good我觉得这样做: to feel the way i do世界末日阴谋: doomsday conspiracy世界末日之战: the war of the end of the world世界末日之钟: doomsday clock直到世界末日: a spaceman came travelling; bis ans ende der welt; summer kisses winter tears; until the end of world