
發音:   用"我趕時間"造句 我趕時間 in English
i'm pressed for time
  • :    I; my; me
  • :    catch up with; overtake
  • 時間:    time; hour
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. I am in a hurry , just put the cards on the table
  2. I ' m in a hurry , and please say in a direct way
  3. I am in hurry , please give me a straight answer
  4. Please speak out directly for i have no time
  5. Time is up , please speak out straightforward


        :    I; my; me
        :    catch up with; overtake
        時間:    time; hour
        赶时间吗:    are you in a hurry
        我得赶时间:    i'm pressed for time
        我在赶时间:    i''m in a hurry
        我们学会了追赶时间,却没学会耐心等待:    we have higher incomes, but lower morals; we've learned to rush, but not to wait
        赶时髦:    follow the fashion; try to be in the swim
        你追我赶:    race each other; chase each other; strive to catch up and overtake one another; try to outdo each other; try to overtake each other in friendly emulation; vie with one another
        我赶不上你:    i can not catch up with you
        赶时髦的人:    fashionmonger; swinger
        好赶时髦:    tuned in
        好赶时髦的:    tuned-in
        随大流, 赶时髦:    go with the times
        赶时髦的, 兴奋的:    turned-on
        当时我吞吐我赶出:    swallow me then spit me out
        拼命赶时髦的人们:    slaves of fashion
        注意的, 好赶时髦的:    tuned-in
        为我赶走黑暗的一切:    chase away the darkness with everything you are
        我赶上了最后一班车:    i caught the last bus
        走我赶出这里,我很痛苦:    align=left]walk me out of here i'm in pain[/align
        一是追赶时髦,如“赛伯哲学”:    cyberphilosophy
        时间:    time; hour; 北京時間十九點整19 hours beijing time; 上課時間school hours; 時間與空間 time and space; 妥善地支配時間 apportion one's time; 消磨時間 cheat the ime; kill the time; 將時間延長至7月31日extend the time tojuly 31; 拖延時間spin out time; 時間會證明誰是對的。time will show who is right. 時間到了。time's up. 時間就是金錢。time is money. 完成這任務需要多少時間?how long will it take to finish this task?現在的時間是十四點五分。the time now is five minutes past fourteen.◇時間表 time schedule; time card; timetable; schedule,時間測量chronometry;time measurement; timing; 時間差距 lea time; 時間詞 word denoting time; 時間方位 time aziniuth; 時間工作[服務]time service; 時間關聯 association in time; time correlation; 時間計量 time measurement; 時間校準time calibration; 時間利用率time availability; 時間流逝time lapse; 時間曲線[航]time front; hour-out line; time curve; 時間損失loss of time; 時間縮短time contraction; 時間套匯 time arbitrage; 時間特性time response; 時間誤差 time error; 時間效率 time efficiency; 時間效用 time utility; 時間性 timeliness; temporality; on time; transitory; 時間壓縮 time compression; time-lapse; 時間意識 time consciousness; 時間知覺[心]time perception; 時間軸time shaft; time axis; 時間轉換 time reversa; 時間最佳 time optimal
        我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书:    i got this book by chance at a second hand bookshop
        时间,时间,时间:    time, time, time


  1. "我干我想干的"英文
  2. "我干這個工作能行嗎"英文
  3. "我趕不上你"英文
  4. "我趕巧在一家舊書店里買到這本書"英文
  5. "我趕上了最后一班車"英文
  6. "我感觸到你柔軟的秀發"英文
  7. "我感到愛"英文
  8. "我感到安全"英文
  9. "我感到悲傷,哦"英文
  10. "我感到悲痛"英文


想自己人見人愛么?你可以先做這些事! (雙語)

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