或: nǎi-.喻: explain; make clear; inform美德: virtue; moral excellence的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不幸: misfortune; adversity瑞斯丁娜,或喻美德的不幸: justine; the misfortunes of virtue美德的动摇: a misstepping of virtue美德的馈赠: simple gifts无美德的: virtueless对美德的奖赏: lesson reward for virtue接连的不幸: an unfortunate concatenation of mishaps〔美俚〕小小的不幸。: tough-break同情他的不幸: sympathize with him in his misfortune一连串的不幸: a series of misfortunes勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂: courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue沉思自己的不幸: muse on one's misfortunes工作中的不幸遭遇: misery at work述说自己的不幸: recount one's grief斯尼奇的不幸历险: lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events; maria full of grace; unfortunate斯尼奇的不幸事件: lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events最大的不幸是害怕不会发生的不幸: the worst misfortunes are these that never hzppen美德: virtue; moral excellence 短語和例子 美德無價 virtue is beyond price; 傳統美德 traditional virtue; 修道院式的美德 cloistered virtue; 誠實是一種美德。 honesty is a virtue 单亲家庭子女的不幸: misfortune of single parent children对某人的不幸表示同情: commiserate sb on his misfortune记住过去的不幸使人愉快。: the remembrance of past sorrow is joyful