He that makes a thing too fine , breaks it 做事過于苛求,反把事情弄壞。
把: grip; handle事情: affair; matter; thing; busin ...弄壞: ruin; put out of order; make ...把事情弄糟: bolix反把事情弄僵了: instead the matter got worse坚持把事情弄清楚: press the matter to a division你把事情弄糟了: you've made a mess of the matter你把事情弄糟了you: have spoiled the whole thing咱们把事情弄清楚: what’s the rush不要把事情弄的更糟了: don’t make things worse than they already are他把事情弄得一塌糊涂: he has made a mess of the job把事情做对: do the things right; doing things right; understand the second intent: get it right把事情做好: make a good job of it把事情做绝: get things into an impasse把事情做完: understand the first intent: get it done把事情谈清楚: talk the matter over把事情整糟了: make a mess of the matter把事情做正确: do the thing right她把事情搞得: she makes a mess of things把事情公开出去: make the matter known to the public把事情掩饰过去: smooth things over赶快把事情做妥当: get it over with你把事情搞砸了: you blow it他把事情搞僵了: he's brought things to a deadlock陷入困境, 把事情搞糟: get into a muddle