報告: report; make known; inform的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...正文: main body; text部分: part; section; portion正文部分: body part; the body一份航行通告的正文: the text of a notam图像正文部: image text part报告的: reportorial审查报告的解释说明部分: explanatory paragraph包含的正文: contained text过程的正文: text of a procedure书的正文: the text of a book信的正文: body of letter; the body of a letter字典的正文: the dictionary proper报文部分: message partition加密电文部分: encrypted message part刑罚条文部分: penal section报告的程序: procedures for reporting报告的格式: formats报告的日期: date of report报告的事宜: reporting event报告的种类: typesoreportss被报告的: the first cases of the current aids epidemic were reported财政报告的: financial-report可报告的: reportable