指定: appoint; assign; allocate; a ...收款人: payee的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...匯票: draft; bill of exchange; mon ...指定收款人: specific payee以自己为收款人的汇票发票人: drawer payee; drawer-payee(汇票)收款人: remittee(汇票的)收款人: remittee收款人的辨认: identification of payee请入收款人的户号: account payee收款人: payee◇收款人帳 account payee收款人,受款人: payee受款人,收款人: payee只付给特定收款人或实体的: requiring payment to a particular person or entity凭票即付, 持票人的汇票: money order payable to bearer注明付款场所的汇票付款人: person named for payments in a domiciled bill货到目的地才向付款人提示的汇票, 到货汇票: arrival bill另一个是将汇票交付收款人: to deliver the draft to payee出票人,收款人: drawer代理收款人: representative payee第二收款人: alternate payee改变收款人: change of payee汇款收款人: beneficiary of remittance; remittee收款人帐: account payee受益人,收款人: beneficiary