描述: describe; represent一個: one; a; an物體: body; substance; object描述一个国家: describing countries描述一个过程: describing a processor or procedure描述一个困境: describing a predicament给一个物体赋予材质: adding texture to an object给一个物体指派光源: assigning an object to a light source描述一个较远的地方: describing a distant place描述一个喜欢的零食: describing a favorite snack单个物体: single body; single object多个物体: multiple objects边界链码 定义一个物体边界的方向序列。: boundary chain code边界链码 定义一个物体的边界的方向序列: border chain code定义一个物体边界的方向序列。: boundary chain code可以用来描述一个人缺少经验: now the word indicates a whole philosophy of life or a political opinion他描述一个满是恋人的山谷: he tell sofa valley full of lovers描述一下假日: describing holidays festivals customs and special events操作一个物品: manipulate an item两个物体的相撞: a collision of one object with another详述一个题目: expatiate on a subject描述一战后的伦敦: mrs. dalloway in post-war london描述物体: describing objects合并成一个物件: combine as single object她会给你一个物品: stone of recall