春天: spring; springtime的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...征兆: omen; portent; sign; evidenc ...健康的征兆: a healthy symptom是……的征兆: threaten him with death抑郁的征兆: signs of depression最后的征兆: the last sign春天的: spring water; vernal不健康的征兆: unhealthy symptom不可思议的征兆: supernatural sign都是不详的征兆: that sinister care春天的,和煦的: vernal春天的承诺: a promise of spring春天的杜鹃: kukushka; the cuckoo春天的风暴: storm of spring春天的歌: spring song春天的故事: a tale of springtime; conte de printemps; story of spring; tales of four seasons春天的花: spring′flowers春天的狂想: rhapsody of spring春天的轮舞: spring rounds rondes printanieres春天的气息: the tinges of spring春天的时候: the country is very green in spring春天的苏醒: spring awakening春天的希望: hope springs春天的葬礼: a funeral in spring