時間控制: time control; duration contr ...組合: make up; compose; constitute時間: time; hour開關: Q-switching时间控制开关: time control switch热时间开关: thermo-time switch; thermo-timeswitch; throttle-valve switch时间开关: clock switch; ts time switch快时间控制: fast time control时间控制: time control;[電子學] duration control◇時間控制繼電器 control timer时间控制的: timed时间控制码: time and control code时间控制盘: time control panel时间控制器: time controller; time gate费率和负载控制时间开关: time switch for tariff and load control上升时间开关: rise-time switching时间开关总线: tsb time switch bus限定时间开关: period limiting switch自动时间开关: automatic time switch控制组合开关: control switchgroup快时间控制快速时间控制: fast time control保留时间控制: retention time control持续时间控制: duration control独立时间控制: independent time control混响时间控制: reverberation time control快速时间控制: ftc fast time control