有种出来!: Come out if you are not a coward!有种的站出来: let anyone who has guts stforward! a surname有种的站出来!: Let anyone who has guts step forward! a surname有种: aritane; ming feat rmx; mingnadofeatremix; music出来: 出來come out; emerge 短語和例子 從房間里出來 come out of the room; 如果你有什么想法, 我希望你說出來。 if you have anything on your mind, i want you to come out with it. 他帶著一大群隨從走出來。 he came out with a troop of followers.播种出版社: posev publishing house各种出血证: various kinds of bleeding胚种出口: germ exit特种出版物: special publication蔗种出苗: sprouting of seed cane播种出芽种子: sowing of sprouted seed常有种: constant species恒有种: constant species你有种: you have seed i will give you some color to see see brothers togetherr偶有种: accidental species特有种: endemic species; endemism稀有种: rare species有种的: gutsygutty; gutty真有种: have plenty of spunk专有种: exclusive species如何种出好玉米: 92.growing good corn辨出来,看出来: make out冒出来,出来,出门: mifoka残存固有种: relic endemic species