What i can think were both you and me , every times i close my eyes 每當我閉上眼睛,我所能想到的都是你和我
每當: whenever; everytime我: I; my; me閉: close; shut睛: eyeball当我闭上眼睛: when i close my eyes-shanice我闭上眼睛: i close my eye当我迷路时我闭上眼睛,: and when i lose my way每当我闭上双眼: everyimei i close my eyes每当我闭上双眼时: a face that awakes when i close my eyes即使当我闭上我的眼睛: even when i close my eyes闭上眼睛: close my eyes; close your eyes; summer heat keep raising; to close one's eyes; to close one’s eyes当我闭上眼就可以看见你的微笑: i can see you smile when i close my eyes甚至我闭上眼睛的时候也是如此: even when i close my eyes每次闭上眼睛: everytime cloese my syes我会闭上眼睛: i'm gonna close my eyes闭上眼睛,用心体会: close your eyes and you will see那么闭上眼睛,想著我: close your eyes and think of me你不需闭上眼睛: you don't have to close your eyes我闭上眼 聆听风的声音: i close my eyes listen to the wind闭上眼: close my eyes; special single; we close our eyes但是如果你试图闭上眼睛: but if you try to close your eyes我只能闭上眼睛保护自己: and i gotta close my eyes to protect me我闭上眼但你的身影从未消失: i close my eyes but you never fade我闭上双眼: i keeclosing my eyes but i can't block you out她轻轻的呼吸,我闭上了我的眼睛: she breathes and i close my eyes