汽車: automobile; motor vehicle; c ...乘客: passenger上: upper; up; upward落: fall; drop站: stand; be on one's feet乘客上下车区域: passenger zone电梯乘客上行高潮: up peak上落乘客停车湾: alighting/boarding bays汽车乘客险: motor vehicle passenger insurance站: Ⅰ動詞1.(站立) stand; be on one's feet 短語和例子 站開 stand clear; stand back; 站著不動 stand still; 站在工人階級一邊 stand by the working class; 站住腳跟 keep one's feet; 他腿軟得幾乎站不住了。 his legs were so weak that he could hardly stand.2.(停下來; 停留) stop; halt; pause 短語和例子 等車站穩再下。 get off the bus after it came to a stop.; don't get out until the bus stops. 這車中途不站。 this bus makes no stops along the way.Ⅱ名詞1.(停車點) stop; station 短語和例子 長途汽車站 bus station; 公共汽車站 bus stop; 招呼(停車) 站 request stop; 終點站 terminal; terminus; 北京火車站 beijing railway station2.(為某種業務設立的機構) centre; station 短語和例子 消防站 fire station; 發電站 power station; 醫療站 health centre 出租汽车的乘客。: cab-getter乘客: passenger 短語和例子 地鐵乘客 a subway rider; 渡船乘客 a ferryboat passenger; 無座乘客 a seatless passenger; 去蘭州的乘客在南京下車。 passengers for lanzhou alight at nanjing.; 乘客電梯 passenger lift; 乘客量 ridership 跑狗长途汽车的乘客注意: attention greyhound customers站2: zhan上落窗: sash window上落区: landing公共汽车驾驶员和一位乘客: the bus driver and a lady passenger公共汽车驾驶员和一位女乘客: the bus driver and a lady passenger在公共汽车上对乘客的指示: instructions given to passengers on a bus接纳旅客上船: take on passengersberri-uqam站: berri-uqam (montreal metro)第8站: di 8 dian; junction 8电力站;站: station电台,站,地点: station港湾mrt站: harbourfront mrt station