沒有: not have; there is not; be w ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...能夠: can; be able to; be capable ...愛: love你: you更多: more; still more没有人能够了解我: no one could ever know me没有人能够阻止你: no one can stoyou奉献给你没有人能比你更: to you. no one else is more爱你更多: more than that到时候没有人能够去埋怨。: when there's no one left to blame没有人能够比得上他: he is burning the midnight oil应该爱你更多些: smash!! - should have loved you more我认为没有人能够真正忘掉初恋: i don’t think anybody really gets over his first love也许没有人能够体会,但我感觉的到: or if anybody feels the way i feel没有人能信任: no one to trust没有人能做到: and no one else can do没有人爱你: nobody loves you也没有人比你更: harsh and selfish and least没有人能够让我感受到你所带来的色彩艳丽: stay with me while we grow old在我生命中我爱你更多: in my life i love you more没有人能与你相比: there is no one compares with you因为没有人能否认: cause no one can deny没人能够比我还爱你: no one can love you like i do我不够爱你: i dont love you any more; it is not enough to love you for me; nee&siwa