猖獗: be rampant; run wild; wild; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...投機: speculate; seize a chance to ...活動: move about; exercise制止商人的投机活动: check the merchants' speculations投机活动: adventure; aleatory operation; profiteering; speculation; speculative activity猖獗的: rampant; rarnpant控制投机活动: curb speculation打击非法投机活动: strike out at eculation; strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation证券交易投机活动: manipulation of stock exchange; manipulation on stock exchange猖獗的盗版行为: rampant piracy都市中犯罪猖獗的地区: asphalt jungle飞机活动: aircraft activity活动机活塞: servomotor piston牙机活动关节: slip-joint for dental engine友机活动情况: friendly aerial situation终端机活动期: terminal session; terminal storage capability猖獗的, 蔓生的, 猛烈的, 跃立作扑击状的: rampant价格的投机垄断: speculative cornering投机投资, 冒险的投资: speculative investment需求中的投机成分: speculative component of demand猖獗: be rampant; run wild; wild; furious 短語和例子 疾病猖獗 infested with various diseases; 犯罪行為猖獗。 crime was rampant. 瘧疾在一些沼澤地區仍很猖獗。 malaria is still rampant in some swampy regions. 這個地區過去風沙猖獗。 the area used to be struck by raging sandstorms轰炸机活动半径: bombing radius轰炸机活动范围: bombardment range截击机活动范围: interceptor band