看: see; look at; watch你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...笑容: smiling expression; smile當: proper; right熟睡: sleep soundly; be fast aslee ...当你熟睡时: while you were sleeping你的笑容: your smile露出你的笑容: show your smile你的笑容很亲切: you're smile was so kind我都看见你的笑容: i see your smile闭上眼你的笑容就在眼前: i can see your smile when i close my eyes我也几乎能看见你的笑容: i can almost see your smile惨淡的笑容: a wan smile慈祥的笑容: a kindly smile淡淡的笑容: a faint smile** to make money和善的笑容: genial smiles甜蜜的笑容: sweet sweet smile但你的笑容在我的心里占据了一个位置: but my heart has a place for the smile on your face但是我将在没有你的笑容之中生活: but i'll get by without your smile但愿我能将你的笑容放在心中: i wish i could carry your smile in my heart你的眼睛,手指和你温暖的笑容: your eyes, hands and your warm smile在没有你的笑容的空虚日子里: empty days without your smile你的笑: but i will keeon dreaming of your smile嘲讽般的笑容: cynical