真菌: fungus; fungoid; mushroom; t ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...基本: basic; fundamental結構: structure; composition; cons ...细菌的基本结构: basic structure of bacteria真菌的基本形态: basic morphology of fungipal器件的基本结构: basic pal device structure论述的基本结构: the basic structure of an argument消化管的基本结构: fundamental structures of the digestive tract学科的基本结构: basic structure of a subject概念上的基本结构单元: conceptual building brick计算机科学的基本结构: fundamental structure of computer science算法系统的基本结构: fundamental structure of algorithm system未形变晶体的基本结构: basic structure of unstrained crystals基本结构: backbone structure; basic structure; fundamental structure基本结构点: fundamental structure node基本结构图: construction profile and deck plans这种替换句子的基本结构没变: i love you程序基本结构: basic structure of program基本结构单位: fundamental structural unit基本结构单元: basic structural unit; fundamental structural unit基本结构规划: structure planning基本结构模数: basic structural module基本结构元素: basic structural element机扑基本结构: basic structure of robot