矮: short稈: stem; stalk的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...具秆的: culmifer麦秆的: strawy矮秆稻: short stalk rice矮秆型: dwarf type茎秆的节: ajoint of a culm茎秆的髓: pith in the stalk矮秆品种: [農業] short-stalked variety; short-straw variety; short-stem crop矮秆树干: low-pole wood矮秆小麦: dwarf wheat矮秆原种: dwarf stock seed矮秆作物: short stalked plant稻秆的变析角: angle culm矮秆晚熟品种: late variety in short size提供矮秆品种: supply short-stalked variety矮干整枝: low headed training矮干形整枝: cordon training矮干的: low-stemmed