社群: association; ecological asso ...主義: doctrine; -ism批評: criticize; criticism社群主义: communalism; communitarianism批评者: critic现代主义及其他: modernism and other trends恶意批评者: detractor严厉的批评者: dutch uncle社会建构主义及其对创新教育的启示: social constructivism and its enlightenment for innovation-oriented education使批评者哑口无言: silenced his critics社群中心主义: sociocentrism我们对批评者的回应: replies to common objections吃苦耐劳,经得起其批评和种种考验: stand the heat宗教的意义及其终极: the meaning and end of religion社群: [生態學] association; ecological association◇社群共生 [動物學] social symbiosis黑人女性主义批评: african american feminist criticism公立公益组织的含义及其行政主体资格: public funded organizations for public welfare and their qualification as administrative subject羊群主: flock master表示制度,主义及现象等的抽象名词: ism二十世纪的行为主义及一切其他学说: behaviourism and all the other isms of the twentieth century考评者: evaluator苛评者: carper受评者: ratee一词在科技英语中的语义及其汉译词选择: on meaning and correct translation of the english word something美国黑人女性主义批评: african american feminist criticism