移: move; remove; shift到: 39遠處: distance能看到远处的: farsighted你不必到远处去找: you dont have to look very far听到远处的枪声: hear shots in the distance能望到远处的好眼力: a good eye for distances judgmentdiscrimination我听到远处教堂的钟声: and i was thinking to myself我听到远处雷声隆隆: i hear the rumble of thunder in the distance更深人静的时候可以听到远处的钟声: in the stillness of night could be heard the ringing of a distant bell移到: move to远处: distance 短語和例子 那海岬伸向海洋遠處。 the cape extends far into the ocean移到上: cntu: bntu/ premoving to a position on转移到: be moved to达到远方的: long发到远点: cross far发到远门柱: far post光纤到远端: fiber to the remote fttr从远处: atfrom a distance往远处: far移远处: eloign远处的: distal; forane远处理: teleprocessing在远处: a long way off; afar; at a distance; away; beyond (l03); from a distance; in the distance; inthedistance至远处: into the blue