美國: the United States of America ...國防部: the Ministry of National Def ...虛擬: invented; fictitious終端: terminal; terminus; terminat ...協議: agree on虚拟终端协议: vt virtual terminal protocol; vtvirtual terminal protocol美国国防部: dod; u.s. department of defe e; united states department of defense美国国防部长: united states secretary of defense虚拟机终端协议: vmt virtual machine terminal protocol; vmtvirtual machine terminal protocol常指美国国防部: pentagon美国国防部部长: pentagon chief; united states secretary of defense美国国防部官员: pentagon officials终端协议: t terminal protocol; terminal protocol虚拟终端: dummy terminal; terminal emulator; vt virtual terminal虚拟终端法: virtual terminal approach虚拟终端机: virtual terminal (vt)英国国防部: u.k. ministry of defence(美国国防部所在的)五角大楼: pentagon美国国防部后勤服务中心: defense logistics service center美国国防部勤务识别章: military badges of the united states department of defense美国国防部五角大楼: the pentagon美国国防部主战官员: pentagon hawks五角大楼(美国国防部)发言人: a pentagon spokesman五角大楼美国国防部: pentagonpentaa交互终端协议: interactive terminal protocol