- 卻: step back
- 倒: reverse
- 而,却;反之: whereas
- 却: Ⅰ動詞1.(后退) step back 短語和例子 退卻 go back; retreat2.(使退卻) drive back; repulse 短語和例子 卻敵 repulse the enemy3.(推辭; 拒絕) decline; refuse; reject 短語和例子 推卻 decline; refuse; 盛情難卻。 it would be ungracious not to accept your invitation.4.(用在某些動詞后, 表示動作的完成) 短語和例子 冷卻 cool off; 忘卻 forget; 了卻一個心愿 fulfil a wishⅡ副詞(表示轉折) but; yet; however; while 短語和例子 他很同情她, 卻又不知說什么好。 he was full of sympathy for her, yet he didn't know what to say. 她有許多話要說, 一時卻什么也說不出來。 she had a lot to say, but at the time she was unable to utter a word
- 倒: 倒動詞1.(人或豎立的東西橫躺下來) fall; topple 短語和例子 摔倒 fall over; 倒在地上 topple down to the ground; 風把樹刮倒了。 the gale uprooted the tree. 那個疲勞的旅客往床上一倒就睡著了。 the tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.2.(事業失敗; 垮臺) collapse; fail 短語和例子 那家工廠倒了。 that factory has gone bankrupt. 內閣倒了。 the cabinet collapsed.3.(嗓子變低或變啞) (of voice) become hoarse 短語和例子 他的嗓子倒了。 he has lost his voice.4.(轉移; 轉換) change; exchange 短語和例子 倒肩 shift a burden from one shoulder to the other; 你愿意和我倒一下座位嗎? will you change seats with me?5.(騰挪) move around 短語和例子 地方太小, 倒不開身。 there is no room to move around.6.(出倒) offer (house, shop) for sale7.(打倒) down with; down 短語和例子 倒閣 down with the cabinet
- 而: 連詞1.(連接語意相承的成分) 短語和例子 美麗而動人 beautiful and moving; 取而代之 take sb.'s or sth.'s place; replace [supersede] sb.; 戰而勝之 fight and defeat the enemy2.(連接肯定和否定互相補充的成分) 短語和例子 哀而不傷 deeply felt but not sentimental; 華而不實 flashy without substance; 有百利而無一害 gain everything and lose nothing;有其名而無其實in name but not in reality;這顏色艷而不俗。this colour is bright but not garish.3.(連接語意相反的成分, 表示轉折) 短語和例子 大而無當 large but impractical; unwieldy4.(連接事理上前后相因的成分) 短語和例子 量力而行 do what one's strength allows; act according to one's ability; 為民而死 die for the people; 知難而退 retreat before the impossible; beat a retreat in face of the difficulties; 療效因人而異。the effect of the treatment varies with different individuals.5.(表示“到”的意思) 短語和例子 一而再, 再而三 again and again; time and again; 由南而北 from north to ssouth; 自遠而近 approach from a distance6.(把表示時間或方式的成分連接到動詞上面) 短語和例子 匆匆而來 come hastening; 奪門而入 force way into house; 盤旋而上 spiral up7.(插在主語謂語中間, 有“如果”的意思) 短語和例子 當作家而不深入群眾, 就不會寫出好作品來。 if a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works
- 倒a高达: turn a gundam
- 倒t形槽: inverted t-slot
- 倒t形梁: inverted t-beam
- 纯为……而……: exclusively for
- 而,然而: and yet
- 根据…而…: according as
- 五经,而: five classics; fiveclassics
- 与,而: ed; et
- 过冷[却]水: supercooled water
- 冷(却)排(管): refrigerate battery
- 却,反之,就…而言: whereas
- 预冷(却)室: pre-cooling chamber
- 倒,后退,在后: astern
- 倒j形管法: reverse j tube procedure
- 倒l型网络: ell network
- 倒l形网络: inverted l network; inverted-l network
- 倒t形挡土墙: inverted t type retaining wall
- 倒u曲线: kuznets curve
- 反t形材, 倒t形材: inverted tee