能夠: can; be able to; be capable ...看: see; look at; watch得: need很: very; quite; awfully遠: far; distant; remote的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...差得很远的: wide很远的: long 2很远的距离。: country mile离得很远: be a great distance away; far apart看得远的: farseeing; long-sighted被 … 看得很重: be high regarded看得很平常: think nothing of很远很远的地方: far far place去很远的地方: get far如果你现在能够看到我: if you could see me now离……还差得很远,远不是: far from车开得很快,我走得很远: i'm driving too fast i'm driving too far从很远的地方来到这学习: from far away to study here然后它拉我到很远的地方: and then it draws me far away ............在很远的地方就听得到: clyde住在离学校很远的地方: live far away from the school兜圈子, 绕道, 转弯抹角, 扯得很远: cast a compass那段路也曾走得很远: and got so far我飙车我把车飙得很远很远: i 'm driving too fast i 'm driving too far; i'm driving too fast i'm driving too far