能干: able; capable; competent的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...勝任: be competent; be qualified; ...能干的: able-minded; capable; competent; crackajack; crafty; habile; masterful; sailorly; tüchtig胜任的: competent; fittest; qualified有才干的,能干的: a useful glossary for personal qualities able; able聪明能干的: ept精明能干的: be on the ball能干的, 能够的: able能干的厨师: masterful chef能干的船员: a good seaman能干的律师: efficient lawyer能干的猫: the efficient cat能干的人: competent man; crackerjack; go-getter能干的助手: capable assistant不能胜任的: incompetent; inefficient不胜任的: incompetent; unequal; unfit不足胜任的: not sufficiently able or confident to deal with a difficult situation合格的,胜任的: qualified (l03)可以胜任的: adjective / 5adviktiv; superable能够胜任的: be competent with能胜任的: competent; efficient胜任的人员: competent personnel积极能干的人,野心家,能干的人: go-getter很能干的医生: a very capable doctor