至少: at least不會: will not; not likely; incapa ...是: Semantics現在: now; at present; today; nowa ...就是现在,让所有人喊出--这故事不会结束: all it’s time now to sing out tho’the story never ends但是现在: but now through all the hurt and pain就是现在: all at once; here and now; now or never; right now更不会是: lingding-oceano绝不会是你: absolutely not you现在会是谁呢: who can it be now至少不是那么容易的: not that easily但是现在你变了: but you've become但是现在我发现: and now i've found关键是现在找来的: blog是现在分词,表正在: playing是现在分词例如: ing但不会是我的朋友: but don't be my friend那会不会是最终: could it be finally就是现在这个时刻,就是现在这个地方: now it's the time, now it's the place不要有任何畏惧,就是现在: don't be afraid,now is the time但是现在,你什么事也做不了: but now, there's nothing you can do但是现在让我告诉你: but let me tell you now但是现在我并不想失去你: but i don't wanna lose you now但是现在已经太晚了: but now it's too late但是现在真的太晚了。: but that's really too late now