獲得: acquire; gain; obtain; win; ...呈現: present; appear; emerge呈现: (顯露) present (a certain appearance); appear; emerge 短語和例子 呈現新的面貌 take on a new look; assume a new aspect; 呈現出一派欣欣向榮的景象 present a picture of prosperity; 呈現光彩 [光學] schillerization; 呈現綠色 virescence获得: 1.(取得; 得到) acquire; gain; obtain; win; achieve 短語和例子 獲得獨立 gain independence; 獲得保釋 [法律] binding over; 獲得成功 win out; 獲得消息 received news; 獲得金錢 obtain money; 從某人處獲得一筆貸款 obtain a loan of a person; 獲得知識 acquire knowledge2.[生物學] acquisition呈现,承担: take on呈现,雇用: take on呈现出……: take on呈现法: presentation呈现句: presentative sentence呈现位: presence bit承担,呈现: take on出现,呈现: appear; crou(out); croup(out)雇佣,呈现: take on使呈现: show up报表呈现: report rendering产品呈现: product presence陈述;描写;呈现;展示: presentment呈现(面貌);装出: take on呈现,表现为: assume vt呈现,具有,装出: take on呈现;采纳;承担,从事: take on呈现;承担;从事: take on呈现;接纳,承担,从事: take on呈现;具有;承担: take on呈现;礼物;在场的: present