藏: storing place; depository; d ...寶: treasure; treasured object的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...比喻: analogy; metaphor a surname稗子的比喻: parable of the tares; parable of the weeds才干的比喻: parable of the talents藏的比喻: parable of the hidden treasure分羊的比喻: the sheand the goats; the sheep and the goats酵的比喻: parable of the leaven芥菜的比喻: parable of the mustard seed面酵的比喻: parable of the leaven撒的比喻: parable of drawing in the net撒网的比喻: parable of drawing in the net撒种的比喻: parable of the sower形象的比喻: vivid metaphor寻珠的比喻: parable of the pearl耶稣的比喻: jesus" parables; parables of jesus很形象的比喻: letter through the post芥菜种的比喻: parable of the mustard seed浪子回的比喻: parable of the prodigal son十童女的比喻: parable of the ten virgins藏宝: buried treasure按才受任的比喻: parable of the talents稗子和麦子的比喻: parable of the tares and wheat不伦不类的比喻: a far fetched analogy
藏宝的比喻的法语:Parabole du trésor caché藏宝的比喻的俄语:Притча о сокровище, скрытом на поле藏宝的比喻的印尼文:perumpamaan harta terpendam;