請: request; ask盡: exhaust; finish與: take part in; participate in我: I; my; me聯系: contact; touch; connection; ...请与我联系: reach me与我联系: contact me请随时与我联系: please call me any time想赚钱请与我联系: ugnx患者自我联系性: patient self relatedness请与我们联系: pls get in touch with us请求与我们联系: ask sb. to contact us请与我们的代理联系: please get in touch with our agents for the supply of the goods you require; we'll leave aside the problem of agency until next week与我们联系,到我处提货: contact us and come to us与我: about him; all by myself; me &isaac newton; ollie联系: 1.(接上關系) contact; touch; connection; relation 短語和例子 保持聯系 keep in contact with; 取得聯系 get in touch with; establish contact with; 事物的內部聯系 the internal relations of things; 有廣泛的社會聯系 have wide social connections; 這兩個意念之間有何聯系? what is the connection between the two ideas? 如果明天早上我們得不到答復, 我們還得和他聯系。 if we don't receive a reply by tomorrow morning, i shall have to get on to him.2.(使結合) integrate; relate; link; get in touch with 短語和例子 理論聯系實際 integrate theory with practice; combine theory with practice; apply theory to reality; 這些結果很難與任何已知的原因聯系在一起。 it is difficult to relate these results with any known cause. 個人利益同國家利益不可分割地聯系在一起。 the interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country.3.associate; copulation; hookup; nexus; vinculum; 聯系層 binding course; 聯系成員 associated members; 聯系會議 joint meeting; 聯系區 communication region; 聯系人 person to contact; 聯系小組 contact group; 聯系議案 link issue自我联结: self-join; self-learning computer请尽管提: do you think there is something wrong with the contract; if you have any comment about these clauses do not hesitate to make请尽快答复: rasa reply as soon as possible; rasareply as soon as possible请尽快订货: our stock of this commodity is limited please place your order without delay请尽量吃: cut and come again请尽早,尽快: as soon as possible/without delay/at your earliest convenience请尽早答复: please reply at your earliest convenience电话跟我联络: contact me by telephone我联络不上他: i couldn't reach him