give sb a hard time
- 讓: give way; give ground; yield ...
- 讓: give way; give ground; yield ...
- 吃苦头: burn one's fingers; have a hard time
- 吃苦头;吃亏: burn one's fingers
- 吃苦头儿: suffer 短語和例子 蠻干是要吃苦頭兒的。 if you act rashly, you'll suffer for it
- 肯吃苦头: having the mind favourably inclined to endure hardship
- 令吃苦头: soak
- 吃苦头, 受折磨, 被杀害: get the works
- 因管闲事而吃苦头: burn one's fingers; burn one’s fingers
- 蛮干是要吃苦头儿的: if you act rashly you'll suffer for it
- 你这样毛躁非吃苦头不可: you will have to answer for your rush and carelessness
- 他那么粗心,早晚会吃苦头的。: he is so careless that he'll have to pay for it sooner or later
- 苦头: (稍苦的味道) bitter taste 短語和例子 這個河里的水帶苦頭兒。 water from this river has a slightly bitter taste
- 吃苦: bear [suffer; endure] hardships
- 让: Ⅰ動詞1.(把方便或好處給別人) give way; give ground; yield; give up 短語和例子 寸步不讓 refuse to yield an inch; not budge an inch; 各不相讓。 neither is willing to give ground. 嘿, 讓一下道, 讓一下道, 讓一下道! make way there-make way-make way! 你該讓著弟弟一點。 you ought to humour your younger brother a little. 他把座位讓給老人。 he gave up his seat to the old man.2.(請人接受招待) invite; offer 短語和例子 把客人讓進里屋 invite guests into the inner room; 讓茶 offer sb. tea3.(出讓; 轉讓) let sb. have sth. at a fair price 短語和例子 我可以按半價把這本詞典讓給你。 i can let you have this dictionary at half its price.4.(指使; 容許; 聽任) let; allow; make 短語和例子 大夫不讓她起來。 the doctor told her to stay in bed. 對不起, 讓你久等了。 sorry to have kept you waiting. 讓我想一想。 let me think it over. 他讓我把這個消息轉告你。 he told me to pass the message on to you.5.(避開; 躲閃) dodge 短語和例子 幸虧我讓得快,要不早被那輛自行車撞倒了。 luckily i dodged in time, or i'd have been knocked down by the bike.Ⅱ介詞(在被動式里引進主動者) 短語和例子 讓你猜對了。 you've guessed right. 太陽讓云彩遮住了。 the sun was hidden by clouds. 行李讓雨淋濕了。 the luggage got wet in the rain. 莊稼讓大水沖跑了。 the crops were washed away by the flood
- 吃尽苦头: suffer many privations
- 吃尽了苦头: go through all sorts of hardships
- 吃苦耐劳: endure hardships (and be capable of hard work; bear hardships and stand hard work; be hard-working and able to bear hardships; be inured to hardships
- 大洞吃苦: a stitch in time saves nine; a straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe
- 多言吃苦: many have suffered for talking none ever suffered for keeping silence
- 就得吃苦: if you want knowledge you must toil for it