詭辯: sophistry; sophism; quibblin ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...論據: grounds of argument; argumen ...诡辩的: casuistical; sophistical; sophisticated定性的论据: qualitative facts无力的论据: a feeble argument attempt gesture excuse严密的论据: a closelyknit argumentt有力的论据: enforcement合逻辑的论据: a logical argument conclusion启发式的论据: heuristic有关税的论据: argument concerning tariffs最有力的论据: best card诡辩的, 久经世故的: sophisticated合乎情理的论据: a legitimate argument reason case etc令人信服的论据: convincing argument确信自己的论据: sure of one's facts似乎有理的论据: a plausible argument她的论据的核心: the kernel of her argument有说服力的论据: a forcible argument/reminder语意含混的论据: a doubleedged argument compliment reply etcc正确合理的论据: a sound argument诡辩的,老于事故的,设备精致的: sophisticated没领会一个论据的论点: to miss the point of an argument诡辩: sophistry; sophism; quibbling 短語和例子 詭辯改變不了歷史。 sophistry cannot alter history.; 詭辯家 sophist; 詭辯論 sophism; philosophism; 詭辯派 sophists; 詭辯術 sophistry; 詭辯者 pettifogger; whiffler论据: grounds of argument; argument 短語和例子 論據不足 insufficient grounds; 有力的論據 strong argument; valid reasons