請: request; ask告訴: tell complain; accuse我: I; my; me什么: what意思: meaning; idea这是什么意思: was bedeutet das; what does this mean; what‘s the meaning of this你能告诉我这是什么吗: can you tell me what this is你这是什么意思: what do you mean by ...告诉我这是什麽: cam you tell me what this is是什么意思: banner; bbs; bug; ceo; cs; dj; ftp; id; it; logo; msn; oem; ps; soho; url; xp; zt不是很确定这是什么意思: practice the same two scales in thirds, legato请告诉我这些: oh please tell me this你是什么意思: what do you mean是什么意思吗: yao是什么意思呢: as there were哦~ 请告诉我这个: oh please tell me this到底是什么意思: bmw地址是什么意思: what is the meaning of your email你到底是什么意思: what on earth do you mean他到底是什么意思: whatever does he mean这都是什么意思: so what does it mean告诉我这是爱情: youd tell me this was loveyoud告诉我这是真的: tell me that it's true缘分,告诉我这是对的,: fate, tell me its right雨啊,请告诉我这样公平吗?: rain please tell me now does that seem fair