距離: distance; range; gap; space; ...某處: somewhere很: very; quite; awfully近: near; close距离某处很远: be far from在离某距离处: at a specified distance from指离某事物的距离: indicating the distance away from sth很近: within a stones throw off某处: somewhere 短語和例子 他住在附近某處。 he lives somewhere in this neighbourhood检索距离某地址最近的企业: search closest to an address在时间上彼此距离很近的事件: events in close propinquity to each other靠……很近: within a stones throw off差处很的: indifferent到某处, 在某处: somewhere在某处;到某处: somewhere到某处: somewhere; somewhither访问(某处): call at某处,某人: somewhere, somebody某处,吾爱: somewhere my love在某处: at one point; someplace; somewhere关系很近的: near in relationship很近的区域: area that is very close离赤道很近: be so close to the equator离我很近: close to me离这很近: it’s near here