較: compare對應: corresponding; homologous; c ...同: "抓"發票: bill; receipt上: upper; up; upward是: Semantics一致: fit; showing no difference; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...是一致的: not happy with空间上都是一致的: coincide with共同发票人: codrawer一致的: accordance; accordant; according; agreeable; coherent; coincidental; compatible; concerted; concordant; conformable; conformal; congruent; congruous; consentaneous; consilient; consistency; consonant; corresponding; homologous; of a piece; one; reconciliatory; solid; this statement is not consistent with what you said yesterday; unanimous; unisonant; unisonous; united; unity大家对于这个问题的看法是一致的: their views on this problem are identical发展中国家的根本利益是一致的: the developing countries share the same fundamental interests我们双方的愿望都是一致的: your desire coincides with ours我们双方的愿望都是一致的190: no wonder you're so experienced不一致的: conflicting; contrary; discrepant; incompatible; incongruence; incongruent; incongruous; inconsistent; inconsonant; repugnant; unmatched非一致的: incomparable inconsistent和谐一致的: compatible compatible可一致的: accordable连贯,一致的: coherent模型一致的: model consistent强求一致的: procrustean全场一致的: consentaneous; consentient; unanimous全体一致的: unanimous; with one consent