燈: lamp; lantern; light的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...無: not have; there is not; be w ...距離: distance; range; gap; space; ...光束: light beam a surname车前灯的远距离光束: high beam车前灯的远距离光,高光,上方光。: high beam汽车前灯的对焦: alignment of headlights车前灯: headlight前灯的对焦: alignment of headlights车前灯,车头灯: head light(high beam)距离光点: range dot汽车前灯对焦: aiming of head lamps无距离机械化: telemechanisation离光束轴散射: off beam axis scattering长距离光线路: long haul optical link用汽车前灯发信号: flash a signal with one's car headlights前灯照射距离: range of headlamp长距离光传输设备: lhots long-haul optical transmission set距离光电倍增管: range photomultiplier前灯: front lamp; front light; handlamp; head light; headlamp; headlight调节汽车前灯远近光的开关: switch for dipping a motor vehicle's headlights车前: asiatic plantain; broadleaf plantain; plantago asiatica; semen seu herba plantaginis无距花: stapfiophyton peperomiaefolium机动车前照灯使用和光束调整技术规定: technical regulations for operation and beam adjustment of motor vehicle head-lamp