
發音: 近邊緣內的 in English
  • :    near; close
  • 邊緣:    border; edge; fringe; margin ...
  • :    inner; inside; within
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
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        :    near; close
        邊緣:    border; edge; fringe; margin ...
        :    inner; inside; within
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        边缘内的:    intramarginal
        近边缘的:    antemarginal
        靠近边缘:    close to the edge
        靠近边缘的:    submarginal
        边缘内有槽的:    contorniate
        近边缘发射线:    near-edge emission line
        边缘内电路测试:    test boundary in-circuit
        近边缘的;限界以下的:    submarginal
        近边缘原始细胞:    submarginal initial
        近边:    near side; nearsidens; proximal edge; proximal margin
        接近边缘结构处的x线吸收:    x-ray absorption near-edge structure
        舷缘内倾:    fallhome; falling in (or falling home); tumble home; tumblehome
        内的:    inner; inside; interior; internal; inward
        近边结构:    near edge structure
        叶缘内囊群的:    antemarginal
        边缘:    1.(沿邊的部分) border; edge; fringe; margin; rim; limb; skirt; verge; brink; periphery 短語和例子 經濟破產的邊緣 the verge of economic bankruptcy; 懸崖的邊緣 the edge of a precipice; 森林的邊緣 the fringe of a forest; the verge of a forest; the margin of a forest; 大洋最遠的邊緣 the farthest bounds of the ocean; 生活在饑餓的邊緣 live at the verge of starvation; 戰爭邊緣政策 brink-of-war policy; brinkmanship2.(靠近界線的; 同兩方面或多方面有關系的) marginal; borderline 短語和例子 邊緣學科 borderline subject; interdisciplinary subject; peripheral subject
        接近边际的资源:    paramarginal resources; submarginal resources
        射线吸收近边结构:    x-ray absorption near edge structure xanes; x-ray absorption near edge structure, xanes
        户内的, 室内的:    indoor
        岸内的:    intracoastal
        板内的:    intralamellar; intralaminar


  1. "近邊"英文
  2. "近邊結構"英文
  3. "近邊緣的"英文
  4. "近邊緣的;限界以下的"英文
  5. "近邊緣發射線"英文
  6. "近邊緣原始細胞"英文
  7. "近便"英文
  8. "近便的"英文
  9. "近便購買的日用品"英文
  10. "近變質酌"英文


成龍,渣男本渣……            (雙語版)

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