我: I; my; me在: exist; be living奧: profound; abstruse; difficul ...蘭: orchid fragrant thoroughwort ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...女兒: daughter; girl給: supply; provide發: hair邀請: invite函: case; envelope是我儿子给我发的邀请函: this is the invitation letter from my son我女儿给我支付: my daughter will she also will buy me a return airplane ticket邀请函: einladung; invitation letter新西兰的奥克兰: auckland - new zealand澳大利亚当地朋友的邀请函: invitation from a friend in australia联系了这些是他们的邀请函: yes. here are their letters of invitation报价邀请函: request for quotations; rfq request for quotation磋商邀请函: invitation for negotiation地狱邀请函: invitation to hell第二章 邀请函: invitation letter聚会邀请函: party invitation投标邀请函: ifb invitation for bid; invitation for bid一封邀请函: a letter of invitauon他在奥克兰经营了一家中式餐馆: he is operating a chinese restaurant in auckland她的丈夫在奥克兰大学攻读硕士学位: her husband is studying the courses of master degree in the university of auckland