Temperament loads the evidence for him one way or the other . 氣質也會這樣那樣地給他提供證據。
這樣: so; such; like this; this wa ...那樣: of that kind; like that; suc ...地: the earth如果这样那样的话: in this/that case这样那样的问题: one question or another如此这般的, 这样那样的, 某某的: such-and-such那样地: that way这样地: in this wise这样地话: at this rate就那样,就这样: at that像这样 ( 那样 ): like this / that就那样,就这样;而且: at that这样或那样的: this or that such and such你就这样地来吧: come as you are同样地,同量地,如所指的,照那样的: as such adv无论这样或那样: in either event在这样、那样的情况下: in this/that case样地: major quadrat; sample area; sample plot别象那样抛球。请象这样抛: don’t throw it like that. throw it like this, please没这样的习惯,不该那样做: a ne se fait pas; accedil一会儿这样,一会儿那样: now one way,now another一会儿这样一会儿那样: now one way now another用这样或那样的方式: in one way or another他自己写名字,像妈妈这样地写吧: he writes his name by herself. write it the way mom does那样: of that kind; like that; such; so 短語和例子 像雪那樣白 as white as snow; 我沒有說過那樣的話。 i said no such thing as that. 真是那樣的嗎? is that really so? 這點小事你怎么就急得那樣兒了。 why let such trifles worry you so much